my Lucky Fortune Cookie X3



Friend 1 : i did try to use a tampon once.
Me : tampons? eeww those things sounds painful to wear.

Friend 1 : o.o"" wat?
Me : i dunno, just sounds like sticking a pencil up ur......

Friend 1 : OWH EWWW NO LAH mana ada like that one! haiya!!
Me : mana i tau, i never use one... just sounds painful ok!!! Even looks wrong with the string and stuffs....

Friend 2 : apalah you!!! Pelik da jak imagination! It's not like ur poking urself!
Friend 1 : Yalah! but i hear if you are a virgin and if u poke too deep, you'll bleed.
Me : *close ears* EWWWWWWWWWWWW WRONG OK!!!!

Friend 2 : LOL!! wat la~~ then how u wanna get married?? Tampon pun sudah takut!!
Friend 1 : haha kesian Yen punya husband later... only hold hand kot!!!
Me : =_="" TRUE wat!!! sounds so wrong ok!! Besides how are you gonna pee?

Friend 1 and 2 : O.O!!!!!!!

Friend 2 : ...what?
Friend 1 : o.o""
Me : wat?? correct lah oh? if that thing block there how are you gonna pee??

Friend 1 : Yen... WHAT? LOL they dun put it there lah!!! they use it at the other one!
Me : huh?

Friend 2 : you know... *shaky voice*the part where the blood comes out when we have our periods....
Me : hah? not same meh?

friend 1 and 2 : ROFLMAO

Me : wat? wat? *annoyed*
Friend 1 : Yen!!! not the same lah!!! OMG how you pass ur form 5 Bio???
Friend 2 : *laughing her head off*

Me : *blush* ceh... i never listen in class... malu bah!!!! lagipun its not like i go 'investigate' when i'm bored =_=""
Friend 1 : *pats* LOLLLLLL SO CUTEEE~~~~
Friend 2 : hahahahhahahahahahahaha memang kesian her husband!!!

Me : owh you two 'Terer' lah?? so hebat lah is it?? Belum kahwin also berani talk bout these things...
Friend 2 : aih of course!!! We are a driven young women, we should know what we want from a man!!!
Friend 1 : yalah Yen, like *Friend 2*, she high lvl d!!! got schedule somemore!!! LOL

Me : gila. ><
Friend 2 : habis? takkan you just hug your husband for the rest of your life???

Friend 1 : LOL jgn jgn her first night later she just main tickle with her husband all nite long!!!

Friend 1 and 2 : ROFL

Me : =_="""
Friend 1 : LOL Yen, Yen. How your boyfriend later hoh??
Friend 2 : yalah just kissing kot. XD

Me : ewww kissing lagi teruk eh! GILA kah wanna share saliva wif another person? Wat is he didn't brush his teeth? Can taste what he ate last nite!!! EWWWWWW LAH!!
Friend 1 : OMG Yen!!! *facepalm*
Friend 2 : aduhhhhaiiii macam biak kecik nya tuk eh!!!

Me : Wat? Wat? kiss on the forehead already good enough! sweet wat!!
Friend 2 : AIH!!! Dads do that la ngeng!!!

Me : so? very caring wat? a kiss on the forehead..... *whispering*
Friend 1 : aduh you memang noob lah Yen!

Friend 2 : then how boys wanna pikat you? pat you on the head? XD LOL
Me : eh nice what!! i like it when people pat my head!! mcm got big brother >w<
Friend 1 : =_=""" aaaaaaa........

Friend 2 : AHHH!! hopeless lah you! dah la umur dah 20!!!
Friend 1 : lol Yen.... you have so much to learn...... >3

Me : GAIIII!!! That's it i'm going to the cafeteria!!!

Friend 1 and 2: ROFL



fyi, i got a B3 in my Bio in SPM....


Shekinah Jane said...

yen...i enjoyed this the most!!!..pat on the caveman...then can bring home ..muahahaha...cute cute cute..

Yen said...

lol haha it was awkward... but dam entertaining XP

well let's just say i've learn a lot a LOT that day ;P


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